Childcare Millionaires is dedicated to helping you grow as a childcare owner. We have cutting edge information, a thriving online community and programs to help you reach your childcare goals!
You made it home. Home to a family of childcare owners and directors with the singular goal of making an impact in early childhood education. We are committed to your success and here to support you in business. Join our Facebook Group for support, conversation and up to date information.
A charismatic and passionate educator, entrepreneur, speaker, author and consultant.
Brandy Woods-Smith is the leading visionary of the Childcare Millionaires Association. After being in the childcare industry for eight years, she realized something was missing in the industry – SUPPORT and COMMUNITY. She filled the gap by uniting childcare owners worldwide to build successful daycares and create 7 figure, childcare owners. We invite you to join the Childcare Millionaires community of current and aspiring childcare owners.